A Christmas Carol by Ashely Ramsden

Agnieszka Wielopolska

Sunday 17 December 2017 to Saturday 23 December 2017

For the 12th year in a row Ashley Ramsden returns with this still so relevant story about greed, poverty, insights, dreams and redemption. Can we still learn from this wise tale? Is it possible in this world that seems to be more divided than ever to share, live together and listen to one another? The gap between haves and have-nots seems to widen. And the difference in what is true and not-true (anymore) is no longer distinguishable. This story brings it all down to the essence that by sharing and considering the other we can only gain. A wonderful way to start the season of good will! Let's share it!  

Perfomances will be held in Eindhoven, Muiden and The Hague. For more information and tickets go to STET The English Theatre