Every year, we celebrate International Women’s Day on 8 March. Ambassador for a Day is a competition aimed at encouraging young women to become leaders. The British Embassy in The Hague invites all girls aged 15-18 in the Netherlands to take part. All you have to do is send in your answer, in either writing or a video, to the following question:
Why is social and economic mobility important? What are the benefits of having a diverse government?
You can submit your answer as a video or a short piece of writing. If written, it should be no more than 500 words long. If it is a video, record it in landscape mode and it should be no longer than 120 seconds. The text/video can be in either Dutch or English. We encourage girls from all backgrounds to apply. It doesn’t matter where you are from or what you would like to do - we’re looking for potential!
Please apply using the Microsoft Forms link here. After submitting the form, please send your essay to embassywebsite@gmail.com. If you send in a video, please use a Wetransfer link and send it to the same email address. Kindly write ‘My Entry to the AfD Competition’ in the subject line, and please make sure your full name is in the email text and in the file names.
The deadline to send in your entry is 23 January 2024, at 17:00. Participants should be girls aged 15-18 on this date and resident in the Netherlands. Successful applicants will be informed in the week of 5 February.
For more details, please download the flyer below. The full terms and conditions of the competition can be consulted below.
Information session for students and teachers - Thursday 12 December
Are you or your students interested in applying, but still have some questions? Join the next information session on Tuesday 12 December at 15:30. Register here to receive the link for the information session.